Greater New York Councils celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Woodbadge back in 2019 during the last running of the then-current “Woodbadge for the 21st Century” course.  At that time, course staff and participants received a special Council Shoulder Patch to help them remember the course.  The following year, a new course syllabus was introduced to the scouting community, but the memory remained…

This Council Shoulder Patch was developed at the same time and was intended to be released with the closing of the course.  Through thick and thin (and a major pandemic), this CSP is finally available to the general public!!!

Keeping with the original intention, a donation to the GNYC Woodbadge Scholarship Fund of $10.00 will earn you one patch.  You could of course donate more than 10 dollars and receive more patches, 1 for every 10 dollars donated, or you may opt for just a single patch for your entire donation.  There is a limited supply of these CSPs as only 158 were produced.  While not uniquely numbered, there are only about 140 available.

The money collected will be held separately, and for the exclusive use by the council training committee, mainly to help offset the individual cost of a future Woodbadge course for other Scouters like yourself.  Financial hardship should never be the reason for someone to pass on getting trained.